De-alcoholised wine is increasingly present on shop shelves, but can we really consider it an alternative to traditional wine? In many cases, these drinks are more reminiscent of a sparkling fruit-flavored drink, or a kombucha, than an actual wine. In some markets, where alcohol is prohibited for religious reasons, it may make more sense to position the product as a simple drink. In fact, in other countries, shops specializing in non-alcoholic drinks are emerging, which promise wonderful evenings in the company of their products, without the consequences of a morning with a headache. Here alcohol-free wine sits next to iced tea and soft drinks.

A continuity with wine?

However, dealcoholized wine originates from a wine. It is often produced by wineries and distributed by wine importers and distributors. On the shelf, it is usually displayed next to traditional wine, making it difficult to imagine a market positioning that does not follow the consolidated rules of the value chain of a wine product. However, from a gustatory and organoleptic point of view, comparing these new products to their more noble, or at least less processed, parents could be a losing strategy from the start.

A new audience segment

De-alcoholized wine has great potential to reaffirm its cultural values, but perhaps it could be more successful to address a segment of the public other than the traditional one for wine. It could appeal to consumers accustomed to alternative beverages, such as fizzy drinks and kombucha, or those seeking an alcohol-free alternative for health or lifestyle reasons.


De-alcoholised wine can represent an alternative to traditional wine, but it is essential to consider the cultural and market context in which it is positioned. The challenge is to effectively communicate its strengths, without necessarily comparing it with traditional wine, but rather enhancing it as an innovative and versatile drink for a new and different audience.


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