The Italian Wine Sector

The Italian wine sector is experiencing a moment of great success, registering record numbers thanks to substantial European investments. These investments not only support the creation of new vineyards and the restructuring of existing ones but also include funding for the modernization of wineries and the opening of new foreign markets, as provided for by the OCM Vino Paesi Terzi call for proposals.

Funding Opportunities for Wineries

European funds, vouchers, and regional and state contributions represent a significant opportunity for Italian wine companies, whether they are SMEs, small agricultural enterprises, or large entities involved in the production and marketing of labels for large-scale distribution. These funds are numerous and often linked to national projects, with the allocation of funds for individual regions or provinces.

AGEA Funding for New Vineyards

One example of such opportunities is the funding administered by the Agency for Agricultural Payments (AGEA), which allows for the restructuring or conversion of vineyards with non-repayable grants. These grants can cover up to 100% of the costs for replanting on surfaces up to 3,000 square meters per hectare and up to 50% for restructuring, with the percentage increasing to 75% in regions classified as “at risk” or “to be protected.”

OCM Wine for New Vineyards and Technological Modernization

OCM funds, in addition to supporting the conversion or replanting of vineyards to expand production with new varieties, also allow investments for the technological modernization of wineries. These include the purchase of specific machinery for production and bottling, digitalization, and the production of promotional material both online and offline. Moreover, the OCM Paesi Terzi measure offers funding for the creation of e-commerce websites, brochures, catalogs, and participation in wine-related fairs and events.

Relying on Industry Professionals

However, national funding can be affected by bureaucratic delays, often discouraging agricultural entrepreneurs from applying. For this reason, it is highly recommended to participate in calls for proposals with the support of agencies specialized in the design and acquisition of funding. Entrusting professionals with the management of applications, from their preparation to the allocation of funds, significantly improves the quality of the request and the chances of success.

For more information on regional and OCM calls for proposals, it is advisable to consult the website of the Ministry of Agricultural Policies, in the section dedicated to vineyard restructuring, and Regional Regulation No. 1493 of 1999.


Funding for the planting of new vineyards and the restructuring of existing ones represents a great opportunity for Italian wineries. These contributions offer a springboard to improve product quality, expand the range, and open new foreign markets. However, it is essential to approach the application process with the utmost attention and competence, preferably relying on industry professionals to avoid errors that could compromise access to funds.

For further details and updates, visit the website of the Ministry of Agricultural Policies and consult the available regulations and funding opportunities.


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